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Specialists in thermoforming, vacuum forming, pressure forming, and twin sheet forming since 1972
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Here are some of our great articles to add more insight to the thermoforming process and the people, mission, and quality behind Techniform Industries based in Ohio.

Thermoforming Conversion Case Stories - Technically Speaking!

Conversion Case Story: Sink and Drink Table

Conversion Case Story: Trike Conversion Kit Light Bars

Conversion Case Story: Concept to Reality - Tinker Toy Hub


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Techniform Industries Thermoforming Disclosure:
Plastic Fabrication through Plastic Thermoforming Process can be done at low prices - as if you were buying direct and saving or even going over seas - but instead your supporting local and the creation of Made in the USA plastic thermoforming jobs! Typically plastic clamshells, blisters and trays are purchased overseas because they are thought to be cheaper! Not true. Vacuum Thermoforming offers an alternative and supports the Made in the USA innitiative.

Utilizing thermoforming equipment, Techniform can make your plastic product sucessful, unique, fun, and most importantly innovative by thermoforming plastic. Your success is our success. In some circles are even considered consultants to the plastics thermoforming industry. As one of the leading thermoforming companies we specialize in the forming of thermoplastic sheets by heating the plastic material and then pulling it down onto a mold surface to shape it with a thermoforming machine. Techniform is a full-service thermoforming service provider specializing in custom thermoformed parts via vacuum forming, pressure forming, and twin sheeting medium to heavy gauge parts. We only utilize the manufacturing process referred to as thermoforming where a plastic sheet is heated to a pliable forming temp, formed over a die to a specific shape in a mold, and trimmed to create a custom plastic vacuum formed product. Call or email us today for more information on how you too can be proud to be part of the Made In The USA movement!


Techniform Industries a Division of Sandusky Technologies, LLC | 2107 Hayes Ave, Fremont, OH 43420 | 888-858-7975 |
websales@techniformind.com | NEOMI | Site Map